Save the Daintree (again!)
DSSG Submission - Daintree River Crossing
Read the results here
Why DSSG does not support a Bridge over the Daintree River:
A bridge will destroy our unique entrance to the Daintree National Park World Heritage area. Few could argue that tourists see the cable ferry trip across the river as an integral part of their visit to the World renowned Daintree Rainforests. A bridge on the other hand, particularly if it is the cheapest options available will have little if any aesthetic appeal.
A bridge removes an existing revenue stream to Douglas Shire Council through the ferry fees. The existing ferry generates valuable income towards the running of the Douglas Shire which in the main is collected from people visiting our Shire. The proposed additional ferry would augment that income not reduce it. Funds lost through removing the ferry service would have to be made up through increasing the burden on ratepayers.
A bridge will remove 30 immediate jobs and potentially more when the second ferry comes on line. Jobs continue to be vital to our local economy we can not afford to squander these existing jobs and potentially more when the second ferry comes on line.
Each of the 4 bridge options has its own significant impacts which will need to be properly assessed. The information provide as part of this consultation contains nothing that speaks to the significant impacts that each of the 4 bridge options pose. There are serious environmental impacts that will needs to be assessed but more than this is the additional work that is required to safely link up each bridge proposal with our existing road network.
At a cost of between $53 million to $75 million (we strongly believe that these projected costings are very understated) it is well beyond the budgetary constraints of the Douglas Shire Council. The Douglas Shire Mayor, Michael Kerr, has suggested that the funding would be provided by the Queensland State and Federal Governments without any commitments from either level of Government.
The Queensland State Government has made no commitment to funding a bridge and in these tough economic times it seems like a lot of money for very little benefit.
A bridge could mean 24 hour traffic leading to a profound impact on wildlife (more road-kills). While we do suffer from road kills with the existing road network to increase traffic to include throughout the night will mean many of the night creatures currently crossing the roads after the ferry closes will be subject to greater deaths. This includes Bennett's Tree Kangaroo, Quolls, Pademelons, Owls and Frogmouths.
A bridge will have the potential of accelerating development along the Daintree Coast particularly if it is augmented by upgrading the road through to Cooktown. It is inconceivable that the installation of a bridge over the Daintree River would not be closely followed by serious upgrades to the road though to Cooktown.
The building of a bridge is not in keeping with the existing Douglas Shire Council Planning Scheme which specifically mentions retaining the ferry service. The Town Planning Scheme is what guides investment within our Shire.
The building of a bridge is not in keeping with the State Government Regional Plan which also advocates retaining the ferry service. At a State level the Regional Plan is what guides investment decisions.
NO BRIDGE - Complete the SURVEY here or click on the button below.
Further reading:
Save the Daintree Again - Coalition of Conservation Groups launch Campaign
The True Value of the Daintree Ferry
Why Does the Daintree Coast Still Need Saving
Professor warns not to endanger World Heritage Area
Interdependence in the Daintree Coast
Daintree River Crossing Round Two Public Consultation begins Monday 14.
Complete the Douglas Shire Survey here
Register your attendance at one of five Information Forums here
At the August 25 Council meeting a paper was tabled outlining “Part Two” of the Consultation on Daintree River Crossing which will occur for only 3 weeks - mid September to 5 October.
Read the Daintree River Crossing Round Two Public Consultation Plan here.
Daintree River Crossing Options Report
We now have almost 23,000 signatures on our petition. Please sign the petition and share with your friends, family and colleagues.
Further Reading:
Why Does the Daintree Coast Still Need Saving
Professor warns not to endanger World Heritage Area
If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?
Thousands alarmed over Douglas Shire Council’s threat to Daintree
Interdependence in the Daintree Coast
APRIL 2020
The new Douglas Shire Mayor, Michael Kerr and the Council itself, have moved fast with a series of proposals and decisions that threaten some of our greatest assets and how we market them with no attempt at seeking expert advice or asking the community if they are happy with such fundamental policy shifts.
No one expected them to attack some of the Shire’s iconic assets with such speed. On their own each of these issues is substantial, collectively they signal a fundamental shift in direction from pro-environment/business/tourism/agriculture to pro-development. Overall we are appalled that changes with huge environmental and economic impact would be put to the second meeting of a new council with no engagement from the community or any kind of expert advice.
We need your help to fight these proposed changes.
Contact Douglas Shire Council
The Douglas Shire Council meeting (agenda here) held on 28 April 2020 was closed to the general public due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions. The meeting was live-streamed on Council's Facebook page and we encourage you to watch the proceedings.

Please join over 20,000 other supporters in signing our petition and share with your friends, family and colleagues.