The battle is on again!
The DSSG supports the provision of reliable, environmentally and economically appropriate power on the Daintree Coast. We do not support the installation of a single, one-size-fits-all power supply. We believe the needs of power users can be achieved by:
a) upgrading individual stand-alone power systems at private residences with a uniform system platform, through household assistance packages from Government to upgrade their now ageing systems; and
b) supporting the commercial precincts at Cow Bay and Cape Tribulation with two separate, appropriately sized micro plants that are based mainly on large solar arrays and battery storage with a backup source.
Say no to a bridge, upgraded road and macro grid power.
The battle to save the Daintree Coast is on again with a push for a bridge over the Daintree River, upgraded coast road to Cooktown and grid electricity. These issues have arisen periodically over the past two decades, but never all at once.
Empowered with our partners.
DSSG is joining with partners to resist these changes and to develop a better way to conserve and manage the Daintree Coast area, for those who live there and for those who visit.
Our strategy.
DSSG, in collaboration with the Daintree Coast Environment Network (DCEN), has recently developed a "Power Supply Policy Position" and "Daintree Coast 30 Year Strategy".
Study reveals cost of Daintree power.
1 OCTOBER 2019
DSSG has welcomed the release of the Daintree Electricity Supply Study by the Queensland Government. President Didge McDonald said the study gives all parties a much clearer picture of the practical issues and costs involved in a range of power options for the Daintree.
KPMG Daintree Electricity Report.
Land use strategy and electricity options.
DSSG has written to key Daintree stakeholder groups seeking feedback on the two discussion papers we released last week – a 30 years conservation land use strategy for the Daintree Coast and a proposal to improve electricity options for residents and businesses in return for a conservation outcome.
Daintree Coast power supply policy.
The debate about an appropriate - power supply along the Daintree Coast has been ongoing for over 25 years. The policy question is how to provide suitable power without compromising the ecological values which make the area so valuable and attractive to both residents and visitors.
30 year Management Strategy Land Use and Infrastructure.
Response to Sunverge “Powering Daintree” second report.
10 OCTOBER 2018
DSSG Letter to DNRME October 2018.
Daintree Newsletter.
Letter to the Port Douglas & Mossman Gazette.
Response to Sunverge | ARENA “Powering Daintree” first report.
AUSTROP Response to Sunverge/ ARENA Report.

Save the Daintree (again!)
APRIL 2020
The new Douglas Shire Mayor, Michael Kerr and the Council itself, have moved fast with a series of proposals and decisions that threaten some of our greatest assets and how we market them with no attempt at seeking expert advice or asking the community if they are happy with such fundamental policy shifts.
No one expected them to attack some of the Shire’s iconic assets with such speed. On their own each of these issues is substantial, collectively they signal a fundamental shift in direction from pro-environment/business/tourism/agriculture to pro-development. Overall we are appalled that changes with huge environmental and economic impact would be put to the second meeting of a new council with no engagement from the community or any kind of expert advice.
We need your help to fight these proposed changes.
Contact Douglas Shire Council
The Douglas Shire Council meeting (agenda here) held on 28 April 2020 was closed to the general public due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions. The meeting was live-streamed on Council's Facebook page and we encourage you to watch the proceedings.
Please join over 20,000 other supporters in signing our petition and share with your friends, family and colleagues.