Indian Myna Bird Trapping 2018
The DSSG recently facilitated a local Indian Myna Bird trapping program.
Indian Mynas are an introduced and invasive species that displace native birds. It has been identified that there are many areas in the Douglas Shire that would benefit from reducing numbers of Indian Mynas and thereby alleviating the negative impact they have on native fauna.
We have collaborated with Ian Brauman from the Cairns Remove Indian Mynas (CRIM) group and Mal Graham from the Mossman Men's Shed.
Ian and Mal have provided us with valuable information in regard to trapping and disposing of Indian Mynas and Mal makes and sells the traps from the Mossman Men's shed. The traps cost $65 each.
A local vet has also offered assistance to euthanise the birds if required.
If you would like to get involved in this program please email DSSG
Useful Links:
Indian Myna Birds - Queensland Biosecurity